XMAS RED – Delivery details
Please send the samples directly to the venue:
Number of bottles: 18
SlowGuide Travel
Ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 21
Mob. +48 600 12 10 16
Number of bottles: 2 extra bottles to Simon
Zona Industriale 1-5/A/3
I-39011 Lana (BZ)
T +39 0473 292370
About shipping wine samples to Poland in compliance with applicable law:
1. EMCS unregistered companies:
– Fill out and send the proforma invoice with all wines listed. Pro forma’s template here. We are oblige to register the delivery, so we need the pro forma before the wines arrive.
– Send us the delivery tracking number (optional, but very helpful if anything bad happens)
2. EMCS registered companies (as Certified consigner):
– Fill out and send eSAD
– Fill out and send by email to us the proforma invoice with all wines listed and the ARC number (unique number of the eSAD). Proforma’s template here. The products on the proforma must be the same as on the eSAD.
– Send us the tracking number (optional, but helpful if anything bad happens)
European Excise Authorisation Verification site: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/seed/seed_consultation.jsp?Excnr=PL30010325A05&offset=1&Screen=0&Expand=true&range=25&Lang=en
Our company details (same in the attached proforma template):
SlowGuide Travel Magdalena PIETRZYK
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 3/43
30-074 Krakow, Poland
VAT: PL9451820081
Excise Number (Certified consignee): PL30010325A05